Euro Civ 1/05/05

The Enlightenment & The Lisbon Earthquake : Reading Guide II

The Evidence

1. Malagrida
a) Read the “Sources & Methods” passage describing the Malagrida piece and note its date _________.
b) What was the cause of the earthquake, according to Malagrida?

c) Why is it “scandalous to pretend the earthquake was just a natural event”?

d) What should we do to prevent another such disaster?

2. Wesley

a) Read the “Sources & Methods” passage describing the Wesley piece and note its date __________.
b) How do we know that God is not pleased with us, according to Wesley?

c) Why does Wesley think that Lisbon was an especially deserving target of God’s wrath?

d) On what grounds does Wesley argue that the people who believe that the earthquake had natural causes are absolutely wrong?

e) On what grounds does Wesley argue that people who believe that the earthquake had natural causes are purveyors of hopelessness?

f) How can we prevent earthquakes, according to Wesley?

3. Voltaire (1)

a) Read the “Sources & Methods” passage describing Voltaire’s piece on Newton and note its date ________.
b) What did Newton discover and what made his discovery so wonderful, according to Voltaire?

c) Does Voltaire think that the fact that the world is governed by natural laws makes it a better place? _______ How do you know?

d) According to Voltaire, what role did or does God play in this “best of all possible worlds”?

4. Pope

a) Read the “Sources & Methods” passage describing Pope’s poem and note its date ________.
b) What seems to be the main idea of the first stanza?

c) And why is “whatever is, is right”?

d) Would Pope seem to agree with Voltaire 1? Explain
