- Middle Ages





The Apostles at
Chartres Cathedral

The Rose Window at
Chartres (1240-1250 AD)

Chartres Cathedral (1194-1260)

Key Questions




  • How did the English language evolve from Celtic to Old English to Middle English?
  • How did Christianity come to England?
  • Can we see the Beowulf story from Grendel's point of view?
  • What is the relationship between the mode of production and the values and economic/political/social structures in medieval Europe?
  • Describe how Augustine's  theology influenced the medieval worldview.
  • How did Thomas Aquinas synthesize faith and reason in scholasticism?
  • How is the medieval realm the foundation for modern Europe?
  • What motivated the main developments in musical texture from the homophony of Gregorian Chant to the early polyphony of the Ars Nova?
  • How did medieval music reflect the changes occurring socially in the Late Middle Ages?

Middle Ages Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

 Middle Ages Art:

 Middle Ages Literature:

 Middle Ages Music:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Romanesque Architecture:

Romanesque Sculpture:

Gothic Architecture:



Gregorian Chant:

  • Gregorian Chant, Mass for Christmas Day: Kyrie, (c.600?)
  • Gregorian Chant, Sequence for Easter, Victimae, (c.600?)
  • Gregorian Chant, Psalm 109: Dixit dominus, (c.600)

Ars Antigua:




Cross of Muredach 923 AD

Chartres Cathedral (1194-1260)

St. Denis Nave (1137 AD)

Sainte Foy Tympanum
(1050-1120 AD)

Sutton Hoo Purse Cover
(625 AD)

Virgin and Child,
Notre Dame Paris
14th c.

 Middle Ages Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

 Middle Ages Art:

 Middle Ages Literature:

 Middle Ages Music:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:













Middle Ages Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

 Middle Ages Art:

  Middle Ages Literature:

 Middle Ages Music:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations: