- Enlightenment





Houdon,  Bust of Voltaire  (1788)

Blake, "Ancient of Days"
from Europe: A Prophecy (1794)

Wright, Experiment with the Air Pump c. 1768

Hogarth, from The Rake's Progress (1735)

Montgolfier's Hot
Air Balloon

Pritchard, "Iron Bridge at Coalbrookdale" (1777)

Watteau,  The Embarkation for Cythera (1717)

Fragonard,  The Swing (1767)

Key Questions:




  • How did philosophes and religious thinkers respond to the Lisbon earthquake catastrophe?
  • How does Voltaire redefine the church's conception of the problem of evil?
  • How did the use of reason and logic bridge the gap between the study of nature and man?
  • Was the Enlightenment project a wrong headed plunge into moral relativism?
  • What were the outcomes and repercussions of the triumph of rationalism in European thought?
  • How did political and social changes of the period affect a change from Baroque to Classical musical styles?
  • How does sonata form relate to the principles of the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason?
  • How does the music of Mozart and Hayden reflect the zeitgeist of the era?
  • In what ways was the Enlightenment a culmination of the break with Medieval Europe?
  • To what extent did Western European thought during the period from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment recapitulate the changes that occurred in Greek thought during the period stretching from Homer to Alexander?
  • How were Voltaire's writings simultaneously an influence on and a product of the general beliefs of the Enlightenment?
  • What is the influence of technology on artistic expression?

Enlightenment Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

 Enlightenment Art:

 Enlightenment Literature:

 Enlightenment Music:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Watteau, Mezzetin (1717-19)

Hogarth, Gin Lane (1751); A Rake's Progress (1735) Hogarth Exhibition at Tate Britain


Candide is booted out of paradise.






Enlightenment Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

 Enlightenment Art:

Enlightenment Literature:

 Enlightenment Music:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

  • Leibniz on the Problem of Evil  (Stanford); Leibnitiana (Houston)
  • Ryan, "A New Vision of Liberty" NYRB 7-5-01 on Smith, Condorcet and the Enlightenment
  • Denby, "Northern Lights: How Enlightenment Emerged from 18th c. Edinburgh" New Yorker 10-11-04
  • Berlin, "The Magus of the North: Johann Georg Hamann" NYRB 10-21-93
  • Smith, The Enlightenment’s ‘Race’ Problem, and Ours The Stone February 10, 2013
  • Blackburn, Of Hume and Bondage The Stone December 11, 2011
  •  Shapin ,  "Libel on the Human Race: Malthus: The Life and Legacies of an Untimely Prophet by Robert Mayhew"  London Review of Books Vol. 36 No. 11 • 5 June 2014 pages 26-29
  • 1185 Adam Smith: of economics and natural law
  • 2173 Hume and humility, or a pox on both your houses
  • 2507 The Unsung Engineer: The Mechanical Arts in Diderot and D’Alembert’s Encyclopédie
  • 39 Balloonist Jean-Pierre Blanchard, the first barnstormer
  • 1351 Balloonists Jean-Pierre and Marie Blanchard, the first barnstormers
  • 2116 Balloons and hydraulic rams -- unexpected bedfellows
  • 82 Late 18th century competition among roads, canals and railways
  • 86 The discovery of oxygen and scientific revolution
  • 105 Eighteenth century water wheel technology
  • 2485 Jean Le Rond d’Alembert: Controversial Mathematician of the Enlightenment
  • 2434 Understanding the Relationship Between Physics and Metaphysics
  • 221 Caroline Herschel: more than meets the eye
  • 2405 Jean-François de Rozier: first aeronaut to fly, and first to die
  • 1609 Benjamin Franklin's experiments in thermal radiation
  • 510 Ben Franklin, electricity, and revolution
  • 1611 Benjamin Franklin and Cotton Mather: ideologies diverge and converge
  • 2192 Benjamin Franklin stirs up the new technology of flight
  • 2224 Thomas Jefferson and megalonyx, the great-clawed ground sloth
  • 606 Did Newton really see an apple fall?
  • 967 Isaac Newton: public scientist and secret alchemist
  • 1751 Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton, and science in transition
  • 1168 Voltaire, Newton, science, and the French Revolution
  • 1375 Leibniz, Newton, and the great calculus dispute
  • 1534 Making sense of the slippery concept of acceleration
  • 1246 Figuring out what the word momentum means
  • 1933 Jean-Jacque Rousseau and David Hume: An odd couple and a doomed friendship
  • 710 In which Franklin, Lavoisier, and Guillotin debunk Mesmerism
  • 1262 An 18-century environmental disaster in Brittany, France
  • 1131 John Hunter: idiosyncratic medical pioneer
  • 1447 18th-C factory maintenance: messier than Diderot showed us
  • 1515 The would-be discovery of oxygen and scientific revolution
  • 2194 John Smeaton: an engineer for all seasons




 Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

 Enlightenment Art:

  Enlightenment Literature:

 Enlightenment Music:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations: