- Industrial Revolution



The Iron Bridge at Coalbrookdale (1779)

De Loutherburg, Iron Works at Coalbrookdale (1801)

The Crystal Palace and the 1851 Exhibition

Industrialization and Imperialism: The Great Exhibition of 1851 (Mosaic)

Redgrave, The Sempstress (1846)

Turner, The Fighting Temeraire, tugged
to her Last Berth to be broken up  (1838);  (Smarthistory) (National Gallery)

 Wylde, Manchester 1851

Pierdon, "St. GilesThe Rookeries of London.(1850)

Key Questions



  • What was the impact of the industrial revolution on Europe?  
  • What is the relationship between the changing mode of production and the values and political/social structures being developed in Industrial Europe?
  • In what ways did the changes of the industrial revolution influence the political, social and economic ideas of Europe?
  • What are the connections between the Industrial Revolution and the Age of Imperialism.?

Ind Rev Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual Religious

Ind Rev Art:

Ind Rev Literature:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Daumier,  The Third Class Carriage  (1863)

Pissaro, L'avenue de l'Opera,
Sunlight, Winter Morning. (1898)

Turner, Rain, Steam and Speed: The Great Western Railway (1844) (Smarthistory)

Weir, The Forging of the Shaft (1877)

Thomas Newcomen's "atmospheric engine."

Boulee, Cenotaph to Newton (1784)

The Mills at New Lanark (Robert Owen)

Renoir, The Luncheon of the
Boating Party

Frith, The Railway Station  (1862)

Ind Rev  Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual Religious

 Ind Rev Art:

 Ind Rev Literature:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

  • 26 Three-field crop rotation and the origins of Western technology
    [agriculture, grain, protein, horse, ox, plow, White] 
  • 19 The Crystal Palace and the great 1851 exhibition
    [Paxton, Queen Victoria, Brunel, design, architecture]
  • 2277 Pondering the Luddites as we face our own brave new world
  • Making the Modern World
  • Landes, Prometheus Unbound (1969)
  • Industrialism: Progress or Decline: Overview (Norton Anthology Victorian Topics)
  • Poverty, Health and Housing (Spartacus)
  • Wade, In Dusty Archives, a Theory of Affluence, NY Times (2007)
  • Carr, Malthus was wrong The Economist (2007)
  • The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in England (Kreis)
  • Industry and Invention (BBC History)
  • Industrialization (BBC History)
  • 1726 The Lunar Society and eighteenth century revolution
  • 135 On learning to use coal
  • 1942 Before the steam engine: seeing solidity in air and steam
  • 1953 Learning to Use Steam in the Seventeenth Century
  • 1989 I didn't have a choice -- or did I?
  • 1440 Steam engines in England during the 18th century
  • 1686 In which steam engines struggle to teach us thermodynamics
  • 2191 The steam boiler as neglected part of steam engine development
  • 2015 Five Hornblowers and three generations of steam engine development
  • 109 High-pressure steam engines and transportation 
  • 1971 In which Lamé, Cauchy, and Kummer race to prove Fermat’s last theorem
  • 1405 Marc Isambard Brunel and his son, Isambard Kingdom Brunel
  • 1791 The Thames Tunnel: Heroic engineering and its promotion
  • 550 Crossing the Atlantic under steam -- 1819 and 1838
  • 101 Interchangeable parts
  • 2277 Pondering the Luddites as we face our own brave new world
  • 147 Hydrogen, hot air balloons, 19th century chemistry
  • 1674 Fulton's last boat: the steam-powered Battery-Catamaran
  • 274 The Luddites and thoughts about technological change.
  • 1447 18th-C factory maintenance: messier than Diderot showed us
  • 272 The railroads and standard time
  • 587 Alexander Graham Bell invents after the telephone.
  • 629 Johann Gregor Mendel: the shy creator of modern genetics
  • 678 James Watt, Joseph Black, and the separate condenser
  • 704 Arago, Humboldt, and Gay-Lussac set the course of 19th century science
  • 1333 Energy is pure delight, the conservation of energy
  • 1388 A short history of tunneling
  • 1258 Inventing the steamboat, inventing the riverboat
  • 1397 John Fitch and America's first successful steamboat
  • 1674 Fulton's last boat: the steam-powered Battery-Catamaran
  • 1411 The role of notation in John Dalton's atomic theory
  • 1424 La Sylphide: an elemental in the Industrial Revolution
  • 1572 High-pressure steam engines and transportation
  • 1604 In which hydrogen balloons bind science to technology
  • 1615 On learning to use coal
  • 1684 In which we study an old machinist's handbook
  • 2263 Delaunay Deslandes misses the Industrial Revolution













Ind Rev Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual Religious

 Ind Rev Art:

  Ind Rev Literature:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:


 Doherty, Romantic Opera and Orchestral Music (ppt)